

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #50

Girls SHOULD...
It's an important and valuable lesson to learn that will help you as life goes on because it SEEMS that we spend the early parts of our lives enjoying parties, celebrations, weddings and other joyful occasions and the later parts of our life dealing with illnesses, death of family members, and God forbid losing children.
If you can learn to be the support system that bolsters a friend when she's down it's a character trait that will serve you and your family and friends for years!
It is good to be a person that others can come to for comfort when times get stressful and hard.

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #49

Girls SHOULD...
For buying a frivolous item, for doing what they want, for taking care of themselves, for saying NO.
Every woman should cultivate the ability to make a choice and then stand by it without GUILT.
Trust me, I know it is hard and it's very easy to second guess yourself after a big decision has been made but, it is better to just have faith in yourself and your own ability to know what is good and right for YOU and carry on!

Monday, August 8, 2011

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #48

Girls SHOULD...
If you have taken your car to one place and got a quote and taken it to another and got a quote that is double the original you can be sure someone has noticed that you are FEMALE and assumed that he can over charge you because you don't have enough vehicle knowledge to know the difference.
Trust me, it happens!
It is a GREAT idea to have at least enough of an idea how your car works that when they tell you something hinky you will know it and can then say thank you very much but, I will take my car to the competition.!!

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #47

Girls SHOULD...
Some boys call flowers weeds! (my hubby) and no matter how many times you try to explain to them JUST what it is about flowers that you love they either can't or refuse to see it and don't want to waste their money to buy them for you! SO...I say go out and my your self some damn flowers! Then thumb your nose at the boy! LOL
Flowers are just so beautiful it's really hard not to feel a little joy and sunshine from having a bouquet of them sitting in a vase on your table!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #46

Girls SHOULD...
Hey, I've always been the mousetrap setter in my life. I also have some beautiful, fluffy little mousers living in my house with me and they do a great job of hunting the little critters.
Sometimes, believe it or may live with a man who is squeamish about mice.
Sometimes, you may BE the girl who is squeamish about mice.
SOMEBODY has to be the one to set the trap, catch the mouse and then get rid of it. You might as well just suck it up and be the one. You will feel in turn both horrible and fantastic for being able to take care of it but, it's a good thing to know that you don't NEED someone else to do the dirty work for you!!

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #45

Girls SHOULD...
A little bit of flirting is good for everyone!
I'm NOT talking about stuff that goes over the line. I'm simply talking about the words and gestures we use with each other to let each other know there is an attraction.
It leaves a person feeling good that someone else finds them likable and desirable!
It helps us boost our own self-confidence and self-esteem and what could possibly be wrong with that?
If you feel like flirting, flirt! You serve no-one by squashing your own sense of self and well-being just to keep from having jealous spats wit your significant other!
AGAIN, I am not talking about things that cross the line...I am only talking about harmless, feel good flirting with someone you have an appreciation for and who reciprocates.

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #44

Girls SHOULD...
Every girl should plan and execute some kind of party or get together at least once so she can learn what it is to be a hostess. If she likes it she can do it many times and become a very GOOD one!
There are many details that can go into a party and it can make you feel very accomplished if you plan and manage to execute all of them without any issues.
It is wonderful to create the perfect get together but, don't beat yourself up if it doesn't go exactly right.
Also, be prepared to go along with the flow if things happen that cause changes. There's no sense "crying over spilled milk" just roll with it and carry on!

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #43

Girls SHOULD...
Maybe I prefer friendships with boys but there is still something special about the girl friends I have as well. NOBODY can giggle like a girl! Boys don't care about hair or nails or clothes much so it's fun to have a girl friend for advice and opinions on those aspects of being a GIRL!
Also, your girl friends don't mind conversations about the boys you LIKE or LOVE and all the stuff that comes into conversations about that.
Girls make day to day life fun and exciting and easier to enjoy!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #42

Girls SHOULD...
The only way to know the opposite sex better is to make friends with them. Many of them.
A friendship with a boy is not the same as a relationship. It is much more relaxed and easy going and gives you (usually) a more practical and rational perspective on things.
Even if they are only your friend they will still do things to help you out and make you feel appreciated and happy because they are your FRIEND and they do care that you feel good about hanging out with them and that your friendship is mutually beneficial.
I love boys and I love them as friends. They tell me the TRUTH about whatever I want to know but, most of all about other guys. If they think he's a jerk they will say so, they will almost always be right and you can trust that they CARE about your best interests in that because they don't want to see you get hurt.
Whether a boy is your boy friend or just a friend they DON'T like to see you cry so will do whatever they need to do to keep that from happening! BUT, if they can't prevent it you can be sure they will then do whatever they can to cheer you up and stop it. They'd really just rather be hanging out and having a fun time together but, will also want to help you when you are feeling sad and try to get you to feel better however they can...usually by being silly and making you laugh!!
Boys are FUN and sweet and charming and silly and funny and a hundred other things and being friends with them can make life better, richer and full of laughter.

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #41

Girls SHOULD...
Whatever reason you end it you should at least have the decency and humanity to tell the person why and be honest about the reasons. How will they ever learn to improve themselves if they have no idea what they did or didn't do? I'm not including abusive, controlling and dangerous relationships in this statement. IF and WHEN you are ready to leave those PLEASE leave running and never look back. That would be the best you could do! I simply mean, how hard is it to tell a person that you are finished with the relationship because you don't feel the same way, or you have decided you need time to yourself, or truthfully you have met someone else and if you can fall for them then you must not have been in the right relationship...or you must not have been happy, and most of all...OWN your own part of the reasons why you are leaving. When people say, "It's not you, it's ME." they often say that as a way to leave softly and try to keep from hurting the other person which is nice and ok but, I hope that they also recognize the TRUTH in that statement. YOU are leaving because YOU did not get whatever it was you thought you needed and wanted from that relationship for whatever reason. Later maybe you'll blame that other person for all the things they did or didn't do to be the person you needed but, REALLY you are the only person to hold ownership for ANY decision or choice you make so BE HONEST...with yourself and also them. It will save a lot of grief on both ends.

50 Day Things Girls SHOULD Do Challenge: Post #40

Girls SHOULD...
It is good to be creative and try something new and it is very good to give a gift that is wrapped attractively because appreciating the wrapping is part of the joy of receiving the gift and can tell you before you even open it that it has been well thought out and planned with attention given to the details that YOU appreciate. It is better to give than receive but when receiving it is just lovely to know that your friend CARES about the things that you appreciate and tries to give you something that shows it. That is kind of the point after all!