

Sunday, May 22, 2011

HAVE some time set aside for "ME Time"

( Original Post: I AM a QUEEN)
I think it is very important to have even 5 minutes of ME time DAILY.
But, however you work it out at least try to give yourself some time every week to recharge and renew in order to maintain a healthy balance in your life and in YOU.

50 Things to DO for ME Time

1. warm bubble bath
2. get a manicure
3. get a pedicure
4. indulge in chocolate
5. read a book
6. take a nap
7. learn a new language
8. write
9. listen to music
10. rearrange furniture
11. clean
12. dance
13. make jewelry
14. do a puzzle
15. go for a walk
16. watch a movie
17. go to a museum
18. take pics
19. exercise
20. star gaze
21. go shopping
22. go out for ice cream
23. get a massage
24. hot tub
25. buy a plant
26. work in your garden
27. surf the web
28. fresh air and sunshine
29. do some yoga or other exercise
30. meditate
31. go for a drive
32. ride your bike
33. window shop
34. take a coffee break
35. make yourself a treat
36. work on your hobby
37. soul collage
38. relax in the hammock and read a book
39. create a personal "me" space
40. sit in silence-unplugged
41. drum, drum, drum ;)
42. cook a special meal
43. order take-out and enjoy
44. give yourself a facal mask
45. write a letter to a friend
46. paint
47. have a picnic lunch in the park
48. play a game on the internet or a video game for half an hour
49. spend some time colouring in a colouring book
50. go fishing or camping for a weekend

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